Corpus Christi Bail Bonds
Bail Bondsman
Through the strange contingencies of history, Kennedy discovered himself on the same facet of the bail reform problem as North Carolina Senator Sam Ervin, a person who had vigorously opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act that Kennedy championed. Ervin’s strict intentionalist interpretation of the Constitution steered his crusade against using extreme bail, but so did his sympathy for North Carolina moonshiners unable to pay their method out of jail. “Their only vice was makin’ moonshine likker they usually felt they were doing no hurt,” he’s alleged to have stated.
Of these released, 90% made all scheduled court appearances and 98% weren’t rearrested for a violent crime. Effectually changing the criminal justice system requires systemic rather the piecemeal reforms. Thanks in no small part to the efforts of the personal bail trade, between ABC’s formation and 2009 the typical bail quantity for felony defendants in state courts rose from … Read More