Tag: <span>accountability</span>

Trump Administration Violated The Law By Withholding Ukraine Aid, Government Accountability Office Says

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In China through the Tang dynasty, cannibalism was supposedly resorted to by rebel forces early in the period (who were stated to raid neighboring areas for victims to eat), in addition to both troopers and civilians besieged in the course of the insurrection of An Lushan. Eating an enemy’s heart and liver was also claimed to be a feature of each official punishments and private vengeance. References to cannibalizing the enemy have also been seen in poetry written within the Song dynasty (for instance, in Man Jiang Hong), though the cannibalizing is maybe poetic symbolism, expressing hatred towards the enemy. For a quick time in Europe, an unusual form of cannibalism occurred when 1000’s of Egyptian mummies preserved in bitumen had been floor up and bought as medication. The practice developed into a large-scale business which flourished till the late sixteenth century.

This “fad” ended as a … Read More