Category: <span>Accident</span>

What Is Reckless Driving?

One of the main causes of car accidents is reckless driving. But unlike improper driving, which is a civil traffic violation, reckless driving is considered a criminal offense with severe repercussions. Since this is irresponsible behavior, if you get injured by someone that was driving recklessly, talk to a car accident lawyer. A legal expert will help you get compensated for the damages suffered. Take a look at incidences that are considered reckless driving.


Speeding is not just going over the speed limit. It can also be reckless behavior such as driving too fast in poor road conditions like snow and rain. Obviously, a person driving at 80 mph in a school zone is reckless. But so is the person driving the stated limit on a snow-covered road, yet it is only safe to drive at half that speed. Driving too fast in construction zones can be dangerous … Read More

Major Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents happen regularly in almost every society. If you talk to a motorcycle accident lawyer about this, they’ll tell you that it’s usually caused by simple human error. Here are some of the major causes of motorcycle accidents:

Excessive Speed or Reckless Driving

The leading cause of motorcycle accidents is the unsafe practices of riders. It’s important to remember that a motorcycle is a two-wheeled vehicle with limited braking and suspension capabilities. Even if you are on a bike designed for highway speeds, it doesn’t mean that you can drive as dangerously as you would in your car. Riding safely will be even more critical in this situation.

Alcoholism and Drug Abuse

Alcohol and drugs are also commonly involved in motorcycle accidents. These substances are believed to cloud the judgment of many motorcyclists, and in some cases, their consumption can even cause riders to fall asleep while driving. The … Read More